Why I need to keep talking to businessmen about Education

I’ve been reflecting on the post I wrote a while back where I ranted about my frustrations at having conversations with people who are the business managers in my organisation. I still feel all those feelings I wrote then but I am I a little bit getter place- at least today while I am on […]

Exploring Tuakana-Teina in my organisation

Over the last 12-18 months, I have been having ongoing conversations with the Maori stakeholder manager in my organisation over how we might collaborate to set up a deliberate tuakana-teina framework for the structure of our internal staff training and within apprentice training environments. As the learning and development manager I have influence and indeed […]

Can the purpose in the room please stand up?

There’s so much talk about purpose in everything we are examining and I get it and I love it. What I am disillusioned with is that I am involved in pursuing a purpose at work using having conversations that are increasingly bandying the word and it is becoming jargon. https://app.themindlab.com/media/129967/view It was affirming to read […]

Servant Leadership

Preparing the group presentation Servant Leadership has been great for allowing me to delve into this concept, one I had heard bandied about but had never really looked into. It has reinforced my belief that traditional western leadership paradigms are not appropriate or useful for promoting an ethic of responsibility and care for others. It […]


This week we were asked to think about a time when unexpected change happened in our lives either personally or professionally and reflect on  the range of emotions and stages we experienced:  My early years were full of regular and unexpected changes. From the age of 5, my family moved every year- – usually without […]

My leadership styles- an evaluation

My leadership styles- an evaluation I completed a leadership questionnaire and it gave me a few insights. It turns out that I have no well-developed styles and all need some further development. That doesn’t surprise me actually as I certainly don’t feel I am always ‘nailing it’ and I am not always getting the outcomes […]